

“Missing semicolon.” : “缺少分號.”,
“Use the function form of \”use strict\”.” : “使用標準化定義function.”,
“Unexpected space after '-'.” : “在'- '後面不應出現空格.”,
“Expected a JSON value.” : “請傳入一個json的值.”,
“Mixed spaces and tabs.”: “空格和TAB重複.”,
“Unsafe character.” : “不安全的字符.”,
“Line too long.”: “本行中的字符超過設定的最大長度.”,
“Trailing whitespace.”: “本行末尾有過多無用空格.”,
“Script URL.” : “腳本URL.”,
“Unexpected {a} in '{b}'.” : “在'{b}'中不該出現{a}.”,
“Unexpected '{a}'.” : “不該在此出現'{a}'.”,
“Strings must use doublequote.” : “字符串需要用雙引號”,
“Unnecessary escapement.” : “不需要轉義”,
“Control character in string : {a}.” : “在字符串中出現了Control的字符”,
“Avoid \\' .” : “避免\\”,
“Avoid \\v .” : “避免\\v ”,
“Avoid \\x -.” : “避免\\x -”,
“Bad escapement.” : “錯誤的轉義字符”,
“Bad number '{a}'.” : “錯誤的數字'{a}'” ,
“Missing space after '{a}'.” : “在'{a}'之後缺少空格”,
“Don't use extra leading zeros '{a}'.” : “不要再'{a}'的前面用多餘的0″,
“Avoid 0x-. '{a}'.” : “避免使用0x-. '{a}'.”,
“A trailing decimal point can be confused with a dot '{a}' .” : “在'{a}'中使用點尾隨小數點”,
“Unexpected comment.” : “不該在此處出現註釋”,
“Unescaped '{a}'.” : “沒有轉義'{a }'”,
“Unexpected control character in regular expression.” : “在正則表達式中出現了control字符”,
“Unexpected escaped character '{a}' in regular expression.” : “在正則表達式中出現了沒有轉義的字符'{a}'”,
“Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.” : “應該用'{a}'代替'{b}'”,
“Spaces are hard to count. Use {{a}}.” : “空格難以統計,請使用{{a}}”,
“Insecure '{a}'.” : “不安全的'{a}'”,
“Empty class. ” : “空的class”,
“Expected a number and instead saw '{a}'.”:“應該用數字代替'{a}'”,
“'{a}' should not be greater than '{b} '.”:“'{a}'不應該比'{b}'大”,
“'hasOwnProperty' is a really bad name.”: “'hasOwnProperty'是關鍵字”,
“'{a}' was used before it was defined.”:“'{a}'未定義就已經使用了.”,
“'{a}' is already defined.”:“'{a}'被重複定義”,
“A dot following a number can be confused with a decimal point.”:“數字後面的一個點會被誤認為是十進制的小數點”,
“Confusing minusses” : “容易混淆的負數表達-”,
“Confusing plusses.” : “容易混淆的正數表達+”,
“Unmatched '{a}'.” : “無法匹配的'{a}'”,
“Expected '{a}' to match '{b}' from line {c} and instead saw '{d}'.”:“在行{c}中需要用'{a}'和'{b}'匹配,用來代替'{d}'”,
“Unexpected early end of program.”:“程序不可預期的提前終止”,
“A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '.{a}'.”:“'{a}'前的點容易混淆成小數點”,
“Use the array literal notation [].”:“使用數組的符號[]“,
“Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.”:“需要用一個符號來代替'{a}'”,
“Unexpected space after '{a }'.”:“在'{a}'之後不能出現空格”,
“Unexpected space before '{a}'.”:“在'{a}'之前不能出現空格”,
“Bad line breaking before '{ a}'.”:“在'{a}'之前錯誤的換行”,
“Expected '{a}' to have an indentation at {b} instead at {c}.”:“'{a}'需要在{c}而不是{b}處縮進”,
“Line breaking error '{a}'.”:“換行錯誤'{a}'”,
“Unexpected use of '{a}'.”:“此處不能用'{a}'”,
“Bad operand.”:“錯誤的操作數”,
“Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.”:“使用isNaN來與NaN比較”,
“Confusing use of '{a }'.”:“容易混淆的'{a}'的使用”,
“Read only.”:“只讀的屬性”,
“'{a}' is a function.”:“'{a}'是一個函數”,
'Bad assignment.':“錯誤的賦值”,
“Do not assign to the exception parameter.”:“不要給額外的參數賦值”,
“Expected an identifier in an assignment and instead saw a function invocation. ”:“在賦值的語句中需要有一個標識符,而不是一個方法的調用”,
“Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}' (a reserved word).”:“需要有一個標識符,而不是'{a}'(保留字符)”,
“Missing name in function declaration.”:“在方法聲明中缺少名稱”,
“Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.”:“需要有一個標識符,而不是'{a}'”,
“Inner functions should be listed at the top of the outer function.”:“內部函數的聲明應該放在此函數的頂部。”,
“Unreachable '{a}' after '{b}'.”:“在'{b}'之後無法獲取'{a}'”,
“Unnecessary semicolon.”:“不必要的分號”,
“ Label '{a}' on {b} statement.”:“將'{a}'放在{b}的聲明中”,
“Label '{a}' looks like a javascript url.”:“'{a }'看上去像一個js的鏈接”,
“Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression”:“需要一個賦值或者一個函數調用,而不是一個表達式.”,
“Do not use 'new' for side effects.”:“不要用'new'語句.”,
“Unnecessary \”use strict\”.”:“不必要的\”use strict\”.”,
“Missing \”use strict\” statement.” :“缺少\”use strict\”的聲明”,
“Empty block.”:“空的模塊”,
“Unexpected /*member '{a}'.”:“不應出現/*元素'{a}' .”,
“'{a}' is a statement label.”:“'{a}'是一個聲明”,
“'{a}' used out of scope.”:“'{a}'使用超出範圍” ,
“'{a}' is not allowed.”:“不允許使用'{a}'”,
“'{a}' is not defined.”:“'{a}'沒有被定義”,
“Use ' {a}' to compare with '{b}'.”:“使用'{a}'與'{b}'相比”,
“Variables should not be deleted.”:“變量需要被刪除”,
“Use the object literal notation {}.”:“使用對象的文字符號{}”,
“Do not use {a} as a constructor.”:“不要使用{a}作為一個構造對象”,
“The Function constructor is eval .”:“The Function constructor is eval.”,
“A constructor name should start with an uppercase letter.”:“一個構造對象的名稱必須用大寫字母開頭.”,
“Bad constructor.”:“錯誤的構造對象”,
“Weird construction. Delete 'new'.”:“構造對像有誤,請刪除'new'”,
“Missing '()' invoking a constructor.”:“缺少括號()”,
“Avoid arguments.{ a}.”:“避免參數.{a}.”,
“document.write can be a form of eval.”:“document.write是eval的一種形式”,
'eval is evil.':“盡量不要使用eval”,
“Math is not a function.”:“Math不是一個函數”,
“Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor.”:“此處缺少了'new'”,
“Missing radix parameter.”: “缺少參數”,
“Implied eval is evil. Pass a function instead of a string.”:“傳遞一個函數,而不是一個字符串”,
“Bad invocation.”:“錯誤的調用”,
“['{a }'] is better written in dot notation.”:“['{a}']最好用點.的方式”,
“Extra comma.”:“多餘的逗號”,
“Don't make functions within a loop .”:“不要用循環的方式創建函數”,
“Unexpected parameter '{a}' in get {b} function.”:“在{b}方法中不該用到參數'{a}'”,
“ Duplicate member '{a}'.”:“重複的'{a}'”,
“Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.”:“此處應該是語句聲明.”,
“Too many var statements. ”:“過多var的聲明”,
“Redefinition of '{a}'.”:“'{a}'被重複定義”,
“It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' to 'undefined'.” :“無需將'{a}'初始化為'undefined'”,
“Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment.”:“此處需要一個表達式,而不是賦值語句”,
“Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.”:“在'case'之前需要有'break'.”,
“Expected a 'break' statement before 'default'.”:“在'default'之前需要有'break'.”,
“ This 'switch' should be an 'if'.”:“此處'switch'應該是'if'.”,
“All 'debugger' statements should be removed.”:“請刪除'debugger'的語句”,
“ '{a}' is not a statement label.”:“'{a}'不是一個聲明標籤.”,
“Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.”:“需要一個語句或者一個函數調用,而不是一個表達式”,
“Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of the outer function.”:“函數的聲明不能放在類似if的塊中,需要放在外部函數的頂部.”



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